Artwork Formats
ArtboyGrafix works exclusively in industry standard Adobe products. We can receive and work with files in many other formats, but all final artwork files will be built and provided in one or more of these Adobe formats, as appropriate for your intended use: Vector art illustrations created in Adobe Illustrator: EPS, PDF, and AI Multi-page layout documents created in Adobe InDesign: INDD and PDF Raster art/photos created in Adobe Photoshop: PSD, PNG, JPEG, EPS, GIF, TIFF, and/or PDF Letterhead and Office document templates: DOC, DOCX, DOT, DOTX, and/or PDF We can accept just about any file type to work from, though our ability to edit these files may be limited. Whatever you send us, it will be re-formatted/re-created in one of the above Adobe programs and formats.
If you need your file(s) in another format, please let us know when you submit your job or quote request. We can accommodate most requests. |